New LGBT Group in Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire Partnership are looking at the possibility to set up a group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with learning disabilities/ difficulties.

Bryan is manager of the Sexuality Support Team, a service run by Hertfordshire Trust and John is a service user of the Sexuality Support Team.

They have been exploring opportunities for gay men with learning disabilities to meet new friends or potential partners for a number of years. These opportunities are very limited and speaking to other lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people they feel this is a common issue.

At this stage, Hertfordshire Partnership are looking at making contact with people with learning disabilities in Hertfordshire with a view to setting up a meeting to discuss whether people are interested in developing a network.

If you are a person with learning disabilities or know a person with learning disabilities who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and are interested in attending an initial meeting to look at this possibility, please email Bryan at or or ring Bryan on 01923670796.

Please contact Byran or John by the 30th September.

Posted on Wednesday, 22nd September 2010